Hark! A Scenery Appears!

Those who know me know that I have a mortal fear of starting scenery on a layout. Benchwork, trackwork, and electrical don’t bother me at all – in fact, I’m quite fond of all three. But at some point, those three have to be called “finished” and I have to step off into that great bold beyond known as scenery. I’ll be honest, the last time I got this far was 25 years ago on the layout I had in high school. No layout in the middle has lasted long enough to sprout even the tiniest speck of ground foam, or a tree, or even hardshell.

The CR&NW has finally hit that point. There’s simply no more putting off my greatest fear. So, about a month ago, I started gluing cardboard strips into landforms.

I started on the section between Strelna and Chitina – including the third Copper River bridge – simply because it was one of the most accident-prone (narrow trackwork with a long plunge to the floor) and because it offers some significant hills and cliffs to start with. It’s also one of those spots that bends the prototype a bit more than others, since I had to compress a long, largely linear grade down Kotsina Hill into a short wrap around the end of a peninsula.

I also did a bit of work on the lower deck between Round Island and Katalla Junction, since I was already cutting hardboard for river bottoms and it was nearly below my work area on Kotsina Hill.

Here’s where we are so far with a test train for scale.

One thought on “Hark! A Scenery Appears!

  1. Bob Cook

    The McCarthy Kennecott Museum we are in the process of building a model railroad, n scale, of the last 8 miles of the CR & NW railway in a boxcar on a spur of rail left intact when the last train left in 1938. We are very eager to be in touch with you. Two items of special interest you might be able to help with: 3-D printing of the layout, and an n-scale 0-4-4-0 tank engine of the early 1900 vintage used on the CR & NW line.
    My phone number in McCarthy is (907) 255-0385. I will be here through August. We would love to have you visit us in McCarthy some summer.


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